> Spots and areas on the body under skin that suddenly become extremely sensitive to touch.
> Burning pain like sunburn or freshly scraped skin embedded with sand in the digits/ limbs.
> Sudden itchiness of limbs or parts of body.> Skin flushes
> Nodules under the skin
> All lumps and cysts become very painful during periods of active Lyme and within areas of inflammation. E.g. all endemitriosis cysts, implants, lesions, endometrioma's, endometrial polyps and sebaceous cysts, popliteal baker's cyst, paralabral cysts, ganglion's, lipomas, or any cyst within the body or lumpy masses under the skin or as well as old scars, warts, swollen lymph nodes, calcium deposits, Fibrocystic Breasts, Polycystic kidney cysts...
> Fingernail changes such as vertical ridges, curved under, flat in center
> Scalp rash
> Rashes, eczema
Taken from
www.lyme-symptoms.com/LymeCoinfectionChart.html So many of the symptoms overlap...... But lyme and babs both have symptoms of itching skin.