KB69 said...
Hi Lapis, I have done both IV ozone and rectal insufflations. A friend of mine, who is an acupuncturist, loaned me his ozone machine and taught me how to do the insufflations. I did them regularly for about 2 months and then needed to return the machine to him.
I cannot state unequivocally that the ozone made a tremendous difference in my healing. I would continue with IV ozone weekly, except the cost is too high at $175 per treatment via my LLND's practice.
The bottom line for me -- the insufflation did not affect my gut in a negative way. I don't think ozone can hurt you, but I can't speak to it having been a game changer for me ... yet. My acupuncturist and LLND are firm believers in it. I just wish it wasn't so expensive.
Good luck.
ok, great, thanks for your input