My 9 yo daughter was bitten by a tick about
4 years ago removed it after about
8 hours and haven't had any issues in all these years until recently she's been having some problems swallowing so decided to have igenex testing done since both my wife and I have lyme, babesia, bart and who the frig knows what else.
So she came back on the Immunoblot positive on IgG 41 and 58 and IgM 41.
Lyme whole blood negative as well as Bart FISH but Babesia FISH positive.
I know there's controversy about
the significance of Band 41 but my belief is that it's not enough to make a Lyme disease determination via testing. I like the Columbia Lyme site's explanation below. band 58 is believed by some to be cross reactive to Babesia and/or a European strain of Lyme. I'll go with the former since she is positive for Babesia.
Not sure if I want to treat her since she's not showing any clinical symptoms except this swallowing thing but it may be anxiety related (she has that issue) so unsure yet. As we all know once you
open up that pandora's box of treating you may not be able to close it.
Thoughts on folks that have run into similar situations? Thanks.