Hoagie said...
I was recently at Sanoviv in Mexico to treat my Lyme. It was a big fiasco, and ended up not being able to complete treatment. Before I left, they retested me for Lyme and coinfections.
My first western blot was done 6 months ago. I tested positive for one IGM band and 3 IGG bands, all Lyme specific. Mycoplasma was the only coinfection I tested positive for and it was IGG.
The test I had 3 weeks ago showed only one lyme specific band, and it was IGG. However I tested positive for Bartonella, Babesia, and Ehrlichiosis IGG but not IGM.
Does this mean I had past exposure but no active infection? I sure feel like I have an active infection.
I am going to see a new LLMD next week. I know I will get the answers then. But, I would like some clarification beforehand.
Thank you in advance.
ALSO, my CD57 was off the charts high. Almost 600. Indicative of an overly active immune system. Not of chronic Lyme.
No, you can have active infection with only showing IgG.
In fact you can have active infection showing no antibodies.
Lyme doesn't present the same as most other infections. In other infections, after a few weeks IgM converts to IgG. But, with lyme, the IgM can persist for many months to years
From Dr. J's website
"......a confounding fact in Bb infections is that the IgM antibody may persist for years, a very unusual situation in most disease states. Logically, one would have to conclude that this reflects an ongoing reactivation or persisting and continually renewing infectious state of Bb infection. "
Also, cd57 can not be relied on - some LLMD's don't use it as a tool to gauge progress.
Dr. J. treats all patients for the three B's.