10LymeB said...
Try doing a lymph massage on your head and neck - there's a video on YouTube - it helps immensely with the head pressure. If that doesn't work, try doing sole water every morning (tsp of Himalayan salt first thing in the morning in a glass of water - let it sit overnight). Water is so important. Sole helps so much, especially with blood pressure, head pressure, heart pounding.
Thanks for your helpful input. Right now I have been using lemon with celtic sea salt. Seems to be working for me. The lymph massage definitely helped.
Aerose91 said...
I have this. If i drink too much straight water my thinking will slow down, energy levels drop and dissociation increases. It's either an adrenal thing (low aldesterone comes with adrenal fatigue) or it's low ADH, something many of us with lyme have.
You can add small amounts of a mineral salt to your water and see if that helps. I use an electrolyte drink tho, i want to keep my sodium/potassium levels constant. "Elyte" by Body Bio is what i use.
Lemon and celtic sea salt has helped. I will look into Elyte. Comforted to know I wasn't the only one experiencing this. Thank you.