Runninheid said...
My biggest symptom of Lyme and coinfections is anxiety.
Has anyone here with Lyme had any positive learning experiences by looking at, or participating in the Anxiety - Panic Disorder Forum on
I've always looked at the anxiety as a Lyme thing. I have never benefited from standard meds given to those diagnosed with only anxiety and no presence of Lyme. However, given that anxiety is the one Lyme symptom that simply will not subside for me, I can't help but try to think of really honing in on just the one symptom.
Any succeses out there by separating yourself from the Lyme wagon and boarding the GAD train?
I'm glad you brought this up. I have not been on the anxiety forum. But, it doesn't seem like a bad idea. Us Lymies know that the majority of our anxiety is from Lyme, Coinfections, and/or TX. However, not all of us suffer anxiety. Everyone suffers from anxiety on the anxiety forum. ;)
I think it would be beneficial, and I may actually visit it myself as my recent episodes have been pretty severe. Thought I had it under control. But, when your brain is malfunctioning and not producing the right stuff, other measures should be taken I suppose