Hi everyone,
I am suffering for 1.5 years now. I remember 8 years ago that had a tick bite and was treated with 8 day amoxicillin. In 2008 i had palsy in my right face.
The doctor was so unresponsible that i only prescribed me a steroid named rosilan and Sent me home. Made phisical therapy and the palsy improved over time. In 2009 i started zoloft, felt fine for 7 years. No major symptoms.
In june 2016, i decided to quit zoloft. The taper was fast and not advisable, two weeks only. But the doctor recommended a fast taper. Anyway. The reazon i decided to quit, was because i started to feel lots of palpitations. I also felt them initially upon starting zoloft, but they subsided with time.
The palpitations became stronger on 2016, and i thought it was zoloft causing them. So i quit. Strangely the palpitations slowed down and got better. But they returned after a couple of months. In september, they started again and this month i had for the first time in my life an episode of double vision. I was scared. Thought i was having a stroke. Did MRI, nothing appeared, was fine.
Then on January 2017, one day i woke up with a horrific sensations of doom and and going to die, on both side of my head just in front of the ears. Extreme insomnia and tinnitus started and i thought i was all zoloft withdrawal. Also got extremly sensitive to sound and feel me left side of tge brain vibrating and getting startled at the slighlest sound. Had to wear plugs since then.
Got to a psych ward with a bunch os psych meds prescribed. Got out with mirtazapine and pregabalin, pregabalin helped a little bit to relieve the panic sensations on both sides, but gradually stopped being effective and the sensations where as strong as in the beginning.
On september 2017 e felt like fainting on my daily dose of pregabaline and mirtazapine. Had to quit those meds. After that i developed extreme muscle spasms on both legs and pain, burning, tingling on the sole of my both feet, and also cold wattery sensation on the same sides of my head, where the pamic doom feelings come from. This cold sensations spreaded also to my whole head and legs at random spots. It could be withdrawal. But i now suspect that was not the case.
Because on present day, i still feel the same strong horror sensations on my head and the spasms tingling on legs feet. I suspect the meds only masked the symptoms.
Last 4 months i am taking a benzo wish helps calm things down, but thats it. The symptoms are there strong like ever.benzo is only masking them.
On the last two months i did several autoimmune tests, ANA,
and many other wish cane negative. Did the western blood and ELISA for lyme wish came negative also. Did MRI on the brain, spine, all came fine. A strange thing is that i developed a small cyst in front of my right hear where the horrific sensations come. It could be coincidence or not.
At the present, after 1 year and 5 months all this symptoms are strong as ever, and no psych medication heals it. I have not noticed even a little bit improvement after só long time and so many psych meds.
I read that many people on lyme and co-infections got negative results on exams. Since i am now almost the 2 year Mark, and still with all this horrific symptoms with the same intensity or worst after só many time and só many meds, i am starting to be desperate and loosing hope. I must have an infection in my brain with one of this bugs i dont know about
Next tuesday i have a new appointment with a lyme specialist, i hope to get good answers, after seeing his presentation. He is one of the rare doctors not easilly convinced by negative results. a well known french doctor specialist in lyme disease. You can see an interview here its on french tough.
Sorry i forgot to post the vídeo of the doctors interview and presentation:
Presentation: https://youtu.be/hsBGvNBsCP0
Interview: https://youtu.be/__siEPKk1qo
Any thought and support please? Does anyone relate with this symptoms? Sorry for such a longo story.
Post Edited (isitlyme) : 3/31/2018 5:17:32 AM (GMT-6)