isitlyme said...
Going to any LLMD tommorow in Spain. What shoule i expect? How can i differentiate herx with sxs when taking abx? Help?
I don’t know how your Dr in Spain will treat you.
You may be on Mepron for Babesia with an antibiotic or Rifampin plus a second antibiotic for Bart.
A herx will be a ramping up of symptoms and maybe some new ones as well.
For me some were obvious - but not always as I have flares that are independent of herxes.
Re - side effects - not easy to tell unless it’s obvious - a rash within a very short time of taking the meds could be an allergic reaction.
I know the minocycline side effects are dizziness, off balance when you first go on it. I had that- but it subsided within several days.
Herxing usually involves several symptoms increasing in severity and even a few new ones.
And they should subside within a day or two especially when you up the detox and back off the meds.