If you ARE on antibiotics, I strongly suggest taking an abx holiday. I was in your shoes a couple of weeks ago--ready to give up. My LLMD suggested a break from abx, and after skipping just two doses, and drinking literally about
two gallons of lemon water and apple cider vinegar, I felt like a new person. Seriously--overnight the sun came out and I could cope again.
I believe it was ammonia buildup in my brain, and I needed to clear it OUT of my body.
The plan was to start abx up again, slowly, after 3-4 days. But I haven't started up again yet. I cannot return to that dark place. Just can't. So instead I'm trying the Jernigan regimen of Borrelogen and Anti Tox. So far, so good. And most importantly--NO suicidal outlook. Thanks Deejavu, by the way, for the suggestion.
Livingforhope--if you ARE on conventional antibiotics, I would strongly suggest taking a complete holiday from all killing agents and focusing on detox--epsom salt baths (if you can tolerate them--I can't), and lots and lots of lemon water. Maybe some ACV and activated charcoal. Hang in there--sounds like your brain might be overloaded with toxins and you need to get them out.