Hi everyone,
So I was diagnosed with lyme along with some co-infections by my holistic doctor after testing positive for western blot (IGG: 23, 41, 93, IGM:41 along with positive IGG for bart. hens. and mycoplasma p.) back in April after being sick for roughly 5 months and despite my traditional doctors' skepticism towards the diagnosis, my symptoms were rapidly increasing in severity and my health declining and so decided to give a round of abx a shot although my holistic doctor recommended peptide therapy.
It's been 15 days now since I started doxycycline 100mg twice a day and although I've noticed slight improvements in my symptoms (less frequent and severe) and overall energy level, I'm still not anywhere near where I was before I got sick. I'm on a 28 day course and I guess I'm roughly halfway through... is this enough to deal with the lyme? I've been only taking doxy along with a probiotic supplement and vitamin c on the advice of one of my doctors and discontinued all the other supplements that I've been taking for immune support and energy support since taking the doxy.
I have a lot of supplements and peptide therapy just sitting around now which I paid quite a bit for and not sure what I should do with them... I feel like doxy by itself might not be potent enough to knock off everything that I'm suffering from and maybe I should try all the other stuff as well concurrently?
I'm gonna consult a highly renown LLMD in my community next thurs but in the meanwhile I'm curious if anyone has gotten better just taking a course of doxy without any other particular supplements?
Furthermore, another question regarding my diagnosis...is it possible to contract Lyme disease 16-17 years after being initially bitten with no symptoms? My symptoms began suddenly 6 months ago after being super healthy for many years with no tick bite or rash I remember in recent memory. I think I may have been bitten as I distinctly remember 17 years ago as a middle schooler (I am 28 now) pulling a small insect that had burrowed into my scalp out of my head and feeling a little bad for the rest of that day but virtually asymptomatic (not even sure if it was even a tick). I was also in an area NOT known for lyme (Korea during wintertime) and wasn't particularly outdoors...so me being bitten by a tick there just doesn't make sense. But my symptoms are so widespread (GI issues, difficulty breathing, heart/chest pain, headaches, fatigue, and muscle aches) and ruled out so many other possible diseases with bloodwork constantly coming back normal along with positive urine, X-ray, echocardiograms, MRI, etc... there is just no other possible explanation other than lyme or CFS. Could anyone explain this so I can get a little bit of peace of mind?
Thank you again,
Post Edited (xpeetzax) : 5/30/2018 3:55:50 PM (GMT-6)