I have been struggling for almost a year with an unknown illness.
Have been to many eye specialists and dr have had an mri, ct scan been hospitalized for evaluation all with no avail. My vision has been deteriating very badly especially lately with extremely bad light flashes seeing spots and shadows and things that aren’t there, extremely bad light sensitivity, bad floaters, seeing round flashes of blue or black dots with my eyes
open and closed at any given time, extremely bad visual afterimages that has just ruined my vision and is getting worse it seems daily so bad they can last for minutes especially anything bright. can look at almost anything and look away and see a silhouette of the same thing I was looking at like to look at trees or something and look away like above or to the side and see what looks like a clear outline of any given object.
I even see moving bright light with my eyes closed along with seeing blue all the time. No matter if it’s bright or dark every time I close my eyes I see blue which I haven’t saw anyone else with the same problem I’m Praying I’m not the only one and so so very much more I can’t even think of everything.
I also have debilitating eye pain and eye redness that hasn’t been diagnosed. The eye pain is 24/7 along with the red veins that appeared out of nowhere. The eye pain is extreme the worst pain I’ve ever felt, feels like someone is taking a torch to my eyes at times. Whatever is causing all this it’s like something supercharged it it’s getting worse daily especially my vision.
I am honestly scared to death I never thought anyone could experience such trouble out of nowhere scared to death of losing my vision and honestly scared to death of dying things have gotten so bad.
I’ve also been having many neurological problems bad headaches on the left side that is always there above my ear even when it’s not hurting bad you can still feel it, strange pains and feelings throughout my head and whole body, random dreams every single night of my life now, takes me hours to fall asleep most of the time, my ears are always clogged and every morning when I get up they’re wet almost like I just got out of the shower, losing feeling in limbs at any given time, really bad muscle twitches all over 24/7 and so so much more. I could almost write a book I don’t know if I’ve ever saw anyone having all these problems.
All my tests have came back negative for Lyme, even igenix all except band 41 had one plus, and band 23 said ind. so sorry for such a long post I am beyond hopeless if it wasn’t for God. Need help in the worst kind of way right now have no idea what to do. If anyone has found anything to relieve the visual problems especially please let me know. This has destroyed my life.
I edited your post just to break it into smaller chunks making it easier to read Post Edited By Moderator (Girlie) : 6/17/2018 10:55:42 AM (GMT-6)