Szabo246 said...
Anyone had raised tropnin? Can lyme or Co’s do this?? I’m freaking out as I have raised tropnin, they said it’s botderline but of course now they’ve mentioned it I’m freaking out
What kind of heart scan did they do? An echocardiogram?
Do you know what type of abnormalities the EKG showed?
What did the doctors send you home thinking was causing your pain?
Have you had any type of chest pain in the past?
Are you still having chest pain? If you can describe it a little bit, I am curious to hear.
If you are, it's worth getting your troponin rechecked to see which direction that number moves. It can be elevated in a number of situations but is usually used to rule in/out involvement of the heart muscle.
I spent three weeks in hospital this spring with a mysterious pericarditis. My troponin was checked pretty regularly to make sure the infection or inflamamtion hadn't started to impact the muscle.
Are you still having chest pain? If you are, it's worth getting your troponin rechecked. It can be elevated in a number of situations but is usually used to rule in/out involvement of the heart muscle.
Easier said than done I know, but do your best to stay calm and relax. Take deep breaths. Take a bath. Or whatever helps you settle. It can be a really vicious feed back loop. And hawthorne really is great. You can get it in capsule form, but it's also really nice to buy the berries and a little bit of the leaf to make tea with it.