xpeetzax said...
Hi everyone,
So after making some steady progress on my treatment plan with good days and bad but general improvement...I hit a pretty bad herx last weekend (week 13) of treatment. It hasn't been that bad in awhile and I asked my doc what it can be...the only thing I started before then is that I introduced sachromyres Boulardii (?) to help with my slowly growing stomach pains and occasional diarrhea and prevent C. diff. My LLMD told me to stop the sac b as she thinks it caused the herx. Is that possible? Or do you guys think it was just a flare? The weather did drastically get cold here in Southern California last weekend so I was initially thinking it was just the weather.
Also, my symptom shifts currently tend to be very drastic. For instance, I may be feeling perfectly fine from 8a-12p then feel terrible from 1-3p...then feel good again from 3-7p then feel terrible again (typically at night). And I have this lingering nausea, no matter what I eat, at night time an hour or so before my bedtime and is becoming a pattern...anyone else experience something like this? Should I be concerned about this?
I guess now that it is 3 months into my treatment and the fact that I'm experiencing setbacks here and there that are almost equivalent in par to the beginning has my anxiety going through the roof. ><
Thanks everyone.
It could be whatever else you’ve been on causing the herx. Isn’t always something new.
The herx is a result of toxins building up - which can happen periodically while on the same treatment.
So not necessarily the SB