yancync said...
I'm sorry you're still struggling. These infections take years to recover from which makes schooling difficult as you know. I would think about discussing the status of your scholarship and if you could postpone it while getting well because even if you try antibiotics, you will likely have symptoms for some time to come. You may recover faster since hopefully you've had some benefit from the natural methods you've used so far.
To answer your question - yes, DS is much better after pulsing antibiotics (J Clinic in WDC) and anti-malerials/some supplements/herbs plus herbal treatments we continued after running them by the clinic. He was 13 when diagnosed and we let him have a say in his treatment. He was untreated for at least a year. It took 1.5 years before he was 95% better and those years were tough with all sorts of symptoms coming forward from the infections and from chronic fatigue.
Working out, lifting weights, sweating regularly, magnesium, vitamin D/lots of sunlight, medical mj (had it been legal and he was older), probably taking more Motrin and Benedryl, may have helped him miss less school - definitely the medical MJ - which I'm telling you since you're in college and may be in a legal state and could try. He only tried it once but it was like a miracle and let him get out of bed and go to school that day.
Everybody is different so it's hard to say which path will work but if your heart is telling you to try something additional, you should probably listen. However, staying in school may be a challenge. I'm so sorry for your struggle at this time in your young adult life and with what I'm sure feels like a huge responsibility!
Thanks for your response! Re. my scholarship, I'm in a "use it or lose it" kind of situation. I worked my butt off last semester even though very sick to get accepted into a highly competitive nursing program at my university, thinking that "I'll feel better and then regret dropping out". I have used up all my time away and have to go back in January to begin 2 1/ 2 years of clinical training or forfeit my place in the program, my scholarship, and 1 1/2 years of prerequisite coursework. Especially because I can't "prove" i'm sick- because chronic lyme doesn't exist, right? fortunately, some of my hormone tests were off enough that they let me take a while off, but that won't last.
It all sounds very good what your son was able to do- except for the fact that practically everything is something I can't do lol! Magnesium makes me extremely sick rn, I'm on a vita d supplement for deficiencies but it exacerbates mental symptoms. Super sensitive to sunlight. will feel dizzy on benadryl and can't take motrin due to a previously existing blood disorder non lyme-connected. (at least I think non lyme connected, but lyme causes just about
everything right? >
) I am curious, how did workouts make him feel? exercising immediately exacerbates my symptoms. I went for 2 2-mile runs about
a month ago and haven't gotten back to my previous place since.
Medical marijuana...interesting. My state just legalized marijuana usage last night per the election. Unfortunately...college nursing program = drug tests, so that's def not an option.
What herbals/antibiotic treatments did your son use?