cappuccinocurls said...
Diagnosed CDC + June 4 years ago. I can’t believe it’s been that long. Off abx and started seeing a new LLMD. Seen him once and already happy with him. He’s running a battery of tests to see where I am.
DNA lyme panel, urine test
Adrenal through bio health
Genova stool
And one other I can’t remember now. I think it was urine mycotoxin and organic urine acid test
Since I’ve been on abx he didn’t seem to think I needed to continue since I’ve been feeling an itch to try and go off abx again. I’ve been trying for 2 years. So I went off in mid Oct.
I started feeling some symptoms a couple weeks ago, did a deep tissue massage (for the lyme test) and am feeling like death
I’m not supposed to see this been LLMD again before all my tests return. And I’m having issues with the adrenal test (not producing enough saliva in the morning for the first vile).
Anyway - what the heck do I do in the meantime besides up my detox?
(I know deep tissue massages are a no no but I also needed it for my test per the instructions).
I’m tired of being in this middle place. My last LLMD wanted me to do PICC line (despite a good 80% improvement in 4 years) and the new LLMD shook his head at that and thought there wa still more we could do.
You need to call your doctor and get a new prescript
ion so you can begin to feel better. It seems that the infection was dormant and it has returned. The abx should allow you to begin to feel better at least until you see your doctor and he/she can draft a plan for you.