Hi all!
Some of you may remember that I've been struggling with elevated liver enzyme since getting sick (or since starting taking ABX... I can't tell which one it is, or both).
I thought I'd post the discussion I just had with my LLMD about
the matter as it's contain information that might prove useful to some going through the same thing than me.
Conversation Keywords: elevated enzymes, ABX protocole, fatty liver, micro dose minocycline
If you have a moment, I would also be interested in having your opinion on my case, most specifically if you think it makes sense for me to go for the mino/clarythromycin route suggested.
here is the exchange:
Hi Doctor,
Regarding past results for my liver enzymes:
- Current values: elevated AST/ALT: 48/100
- July 2018, 1.5 month after getting bit, on DOXY: elevated AST/ALT: 51/79
- May 2018 no Lyme, normal AST/ALT 34/30
- October 2018 no Lyme, normal AST/ALT 32/33
- June 2017, no Lyme, normal AST/ALT 33/32
- April 2017 no Lyme, elevated ALT 49
- March 2017 no Lyme, elevated ALT 54.
It's hard for me to conclude anything. Altho my levels were normal most of the time, it did came at as elevated 2 months in a row early 2017.
But Lyme (or is it Doxy?) made my enzyme constantly elevated.
My thoughts are that you most likely have a fatty liver that does not like antibiotics however....
Borrelia miyamotoi will cause elevated liver enzymes, so will ehrlichia and anaplasma (2 co-infections that are seen with Lyme).
You have been on doxycycline, which does kill all of those bacteria....and you did not start with high, high levels of liver enzymes until after being on antibiotics, so I still think that the problem is your liver not liking the antibiotics.
I have put people with persistent elevated liver enzymes on a low dose of minocycline (50mg twice a day to start) and when the liver tests are better (over time) then added other antibiotics.
2-3 people out of 1,000 will have problems with prolonged liver enzyme elevation. The catch is that if you push too hard, the enzymes will go up much higher and stay there, so I would not
want to do that, but how would you feel about
starting a low dose of antibiotics?
Thank you so much for your time. I understand your explanation, and it does bring up questions.
1- about
the fatty liver. Is having a fatty liver possible, even if I've been very healthy for the past 10 years of my life? I'm seeing Dr. ***** after seeing you in mid January. I will request the liver test.
2- Regarding the elevated enzymes. I noticed is that since I started taking ABX (Im including the month I took doxy ABX in this), my AST/ALT was "slightly" elevated but constant at around 40/75.
Even when I added Bactrim for a while which elevated my creatinine, my enzymes stayed the same.
So for the whole first 3 months of your protocol (doxy, clary, malarone), things were constant.
It seems to me that it's only when I added ALINIA from the second protocole (Mino, Clary, Alinia, Rif) that my enzyme skyrocketed to 138.
(Note that I never actually had the chance to add Rifampin to the mix, as things went high 2 weeks after adding Alinia to the Mino/Clary combo I was already on).
In other words, I'm wondering if Alinia could be the main offender here? For what it's worth, while I was taking it, my tears, semen and urine turned a pale but bright yellowish color.
3- Based on that. Could it make sense to start again your protocole #2 with only Minocycline and Clarythromycin for a couple weeks, and see how the liver reacts?
4- My concern with low dose Mino: I heard of bacteria resistance when ABX are not used in combination. Isn't that something we should worry about
5- It's unfortunate that I never reached the point to take the Rifampin in my protocol (the protocole aborted shortly after adding Alinia). I feel like Bartonella have been my biggest struggle since the beggining. I've read that Bartonella can cause elevated enzymes too. Could it be a factor?
Yes you could start with just minocycline and clarithromycin a couple of weeks and see how that goes.
Underlying bartonella can be a cause of elevated liver enzymes including when you take something to kill it the enzymes can go up.
Yes even if you were a healthy guy before getting sick....fatty liver is due to eating bad fats + carbs+ sedentary lifestyle and is the #1 cause in the US for needing a liver transplant.
Most likely if you were healthy and active it is not the underlying problem, but still it is better to look for it and know it is there.
So, start on minocycline regualr dose, add clarithromycin- let's see what your liver enzymes do.
Post Edited (Alxander) : 12/13/2018 1:41:14 PM (GMT-7)