Girlie said...
Hey NicH - good to “see” ya!
I’ve also had ferritin on the low side - in the low 40’s.
But my hemoglobin is good and my Dr said that I likely wouldn’t feel the effects until my hemoglobin was low.
I don’t have fatigue as a symptom.
It’s possible that Babesia can cause the low ferritin - as it smashes/obliterates the rbc’S
I haven’t had mine retested since my extensive Babesia treatment.
Keep us posted!
Babesia was definitely something I thought I may want to circle back to, but not at this time, just because I want to start with one thing at a time.. I took mepron and zith/biaxin for around 6 months and didnt feel any relief at all. Also DNA Connexions showed negative babesia (not that it's all that reliable, but it's something).
My thought right now is address things that are showing up. Get my ferritin back up, DHEA back to normal and stomach issues fixed and see what happens. If I'm better I will be the happiest person in the world!! LOL
It's unbelievable how we all have to struggle daily with symptoms and there are so many people who don't have to worry about
the way they feel. They can get up, go for a jog, go to work, go grocery shopping and make a nice meal and literally not think twice about
their energy. I hope that one day I can be like that. My girlfriend gets up, runs, goes to work, then works out again after work. She runs marathons, I'm so jealous! Just getting up for work and getting through the day is exhausting especially when you add in dizziness, brain fog, and headaches.
Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I just cant wait until I can feel normal again. I'll never take health for granted!