potsnpans said...
Well the Lyme Western Blot showed 9 bands positive (93, 66, 58, 41, 39, 30, 28, 23, 18).
All tests for co-infections came back negative.
I asked the doc if he thinks my symptoms are from persistent infection, an autoimmune disorder, or both- he said he doesn’t know. Anyway he is going to start me on IV Rocephin with oral Azithromycin in late May. Insurance will likely only cover 4-6 weeks. I'm hoping that is enough to clear up my heart issues and maybe some of my head issues as well. I plan on continuing Buhner Lyme herbs and some of the babs and bart herbs through/beyond the abx treatment.
Any opinions on this antibiotic combo? Suggestions that might improve its effectiveness? Doc also prescribed the gallbladder med. and suggested milk thistle and curcumin as supportive supplements…
Your test results show some lyme specific bands backing up the lyme diagnosis.
The negative coinfection tests don’t rule them out.
I’ve not taken IV abx but rocephin is a common one used for IV.
And Azithromycin is also commonly used for Lyme (and combined with other Pharma to treat Bart and Babs)
However 4-6 weeks is s short time - not sure if it will do much in that time...
Good to see that your doc is putting you on Ursodiol for gallbladder protection.