isitlyme said...
Thank you WalkingbyFaith for the tips
You’re welcome! Here’s another tip. If you haven’t already done this, get every bit of fragrance out of your house, car, and office. Everything - personal care products, cleaning products, laundry products, aerosol sprays, candles, plug-ins, car air fresheners, vacuum cleaner air fresheners, diffusers, reeds, potpourri, etc. I would remove essential oil fragrances as well.
Pack them up and store them in plastic bins in a garage. Be extremely fragrance free for at least one month. Longer would be even better. Made a record of the date it’s all taken out and track your sinus and nasal symptoms and headaches if you have them from the start date for the month or longer.
An allergist did this to me when I first got sick 10 years ago, and it was the single most beneficial advice anyone ever gave me. He knew how resistant I was and got in my face said “walk the line.” I agreed, obeyed, and have been grateful ever since. That one major change cut my chronic headaches in half.
The key is doing it 100%. As long as you have any fragrance on you or around you, you won’t see much benefit or know if it is a cause of any symptoms. Mold is the same way. Until you get completely out of exposure from toxic mold and water damaged buildings, you won’t get lasting relief of symptoms caused by it.