MartinK said...
Thanks Mark FW!
You did some testing for heavy metals? And...your main problem of heavy metals was amalgams? Symptoms like CFS/inflammation?
You recommended remove amalgams and after this start protocol, or start with some amalgams? Term for my dentist are long, 4 amalgams still in my mouth.
Yes I did a hair test. Symptoms too long to list. There are supplements you can take to negate the effects of Mercury prior to Amalgams being removed.
However I'll stop here with any further recommendations outside of joining the FaceBook Site "Andy Cutler Chelation"
It would be irresponsible for me to provide any further Chelation guidance on this forum. Anyone making detailed recommendations on Chelation in a forum like this is, perhaps unknowing, also irresponsible.
This group mentioned follows a very well defined protocol that is known to help most people immensely. Also outlines what not to take. Much of these products are talked about
casually on general forums that are actually very dangerous. Trolls pushing products,, random posting of internet/pubmed links which are mostly to promote product sales are not allowed.
Im not saying everyone who posts a link is pushing a product but managing your heath is serious business. Taking heath advice from random folks is irresponsible on your part.
Some Parting Advice to all
Do your homework..
Look for a group that is treating generally in the same way and getting mostly the same results. (good that is)
And sorry to be offensive to some but this is it:
If your not using it or used it with good results you should not recommend it. Period.
If your not getting significantly better, you have no business giving any Heath advice. You should be listening