Milabw said...
Oh, thanks for letting me know! Hopefully this link will work
Yes it works!
And I see a bullseye rash!!
It’s a recent bite and EM - get to a Dr and get doxycycline 200 mg twice daily. I recommend that you Try and get two weeks (or more) worth.
Then go to another Dr and get another prescript
ion for a few weeks of doxy.
You will need to treat until symptoms are GONE and a few weeks longer.
From dr burrascano lyme guidelines;
EARLY LOCALIZED - Single erythema migrans with no constitutional symptoms:
Adults: oral therapy- must continue until symptom and sign free for at least one month,
with a 6 week minimum Do not let this go chronic - you have a really good chance of knocking this out NOW and not suffering for years !!
After you get some doxy - try to find a LLMD and get an appt - tell them you have a recent tick bite and want to treat it promptly.
If they don’t have anything in the next few weeks - see if you can be called if there’s a cancellation.
Doxy dosage from guidelines:
*Doxycycline- Adults: 200 mg bid with food; doses of up to 600 mg daily are often
needed, as doxycycline is only effective at high blood levels. Not for children or in pregnancy.