Sheekster said...
Charlie- It seems like OP's doctor is trying to target all 3 B's with this combo. Zithromax, rifabutin for bart, and disulfiram for lyme and babs. Seems like a decent plan to me..
Hey I say go for it, but I suspect he'll end up not being able to tolerate all three drugs at once knowing the strong half life of disulfiram. Just taking disulfiram on its own led to the third patient in the study not able to deal with the herxing, fatigue, and toxins built up.
Again it's great to see a LLMD trying the drug out, but I think he's not taking into consideration what Dr. Lewis said about
the microbiome, along with the strong half life and toxicity of disulfiram from both herxing and the drug building up in the system.
Then working his way up to 500mg a day with these two other drugs? Highly unlikely he'll be able to tolerate it.
Disulfiram also has severe side effects of depression, then adding two other drugs into the picture, may induce more side effects. I'd just take concern and be sure to take notes of any symptoms that may come your way, don't take them lightly.
Disulfiram is no ordinary drug you just mix and match with other drugs due to toxicity build up and the strong half life. Remember this drug inhibits enzymes in the liver!
Again, very happy you're taking it, but you're doctor should of informed you about
some of these other things just so you're aware. Personally I think it's very irresponsible him to start his own protocol, not even taking into consideration the fact that the drug was purposely used by itself in the recent study. But honestly, from my experience, that's what a lot of the lower level LLMDs do, they disregard what the top LLMDs do and just makeup their own experimental protocols. But hey, maybe you do have a reputable top LLMD...
Just from my own experience, I took the drug a year or so ago, I only lasted about
3-4 weeks while being on 250mg a day, due to toxicity build up and bone crushing fatigue I quit the drug. Not to mention acting very jittery, wirey and having some severe depression that came and went. It's definitely not a drug you just take lightly. I tried doing 500mg just for 3-4 days, not even feasible due to being so bed bound and not even being able to function because of the fatigue, remind you while being on this drug I had already completed about
6-7 years of antibiotic treatment and probably about
80% of health.
I wish you best of luck, but make sure you do more research in the drug, because just mixing and matching drugs just because it'll knock out all three infections sounds kind of careless to me. Mitomycin C (Chemo) also shown to completely erradicate all forms of borrelia in the John Hopkins study, but considering how chemo basically destroys the cells and microbiome in your body, doesn't make it a good candidate for treating chronic lyme. There's much more to think about
than just kill kill kill with chronic lyme, especially if you're in the chronic stage vs acute stage.. Some food for thought!
Post Edited (Charlie55) : 6/21/2019 12:22:10 AM (GMT-6)