Everyone knows, except for propagandists, those yet to do the research and racketeers that the first Lyme Vaccine will ALWAYS be a fraud. You don't need to be pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine to know this, but propagandists are great at polarizing their crimes. The first Lyme vaccine was based on fraud. They KNEW that like Syphilis (a spirochete), which doesn't and never will have a vaccine due to antegenic variation, Borrelia Burgdorferi as a cousin would be no different. This is true, and they knew this. It has been proven they knew this AFTER they invested millions of dollars into the first vaccine called (Lymerix) The vaccine company even had a warning that the negative outcomes of Lymerix would look no different to Lyme Disease infection. That's because, although the spirochetes are one side to the malignancies, the other side is the bleds and OspA that your immune system eats up. This causes anergy, immunosuppression and tolerization. This isn't an easy fix.
No, instead, they created a new case definition of so called Lyme Disease which is really Borrelia Burgdorferi relapsing fever (Borreliosis). Lyme disease is a crime NOT A DISEASE. I'm sick of activists using the word Lyme Disease, we are playing in to their legal symantics. Again, Lyme is based on fraud, it is a crime NOT A DISEASE. Borreliosis is what everyone has here, whether, in the first stage or in the chronic stages. Even Dr. Macdonald has said that calling it Lyme Disease is dumb. The point is these fraudsters changed the case definition of ((Lyme)) to a specific set of responses. These response symptoms are:
1. (((The HLA-linked hyperactive antibody response. High antibody count))) ~ 15-20%
2. (((The neuroborreliosis Low Antibody response. Low antibody count))) ~ 80-85%
So, they knew these were the responses to an infection based on their own studies, fraudulent or not. And this had to do with a persons genetics. Of course they completely disregarded early and later studies showing various other malignancies and responses to the infection.
Now, they understood that around 85% of those who had their fraudulent case definition of Lyme Disease, had the #2 response (neuroborreliosis, low antibody count).
They also understood that a mere 15-20% of those suffering had the #1 response to the infection. (an HLA-linked high antibody response with joint pain)
So, what did they do???
Well, firstly, they changed the case definition but not only did these criminals do that, they also falsified the diagnostics.
The same two-tier test we use today!! How nice of them and it seems most Lyme activists don't care about
this side of the issue but it is the most important to understand because nothing will change otherwise.
So, they raised the cut-off standard for the antibody count for the positive test results. Now, those with low-antibody responses (the neuroborreliosis sufferers, the sickest of the bunch) WOULD NOT TEST POSITIVE!!!! How nice of them.
Of course, these persons should be jailed for life but instead they front the same medical organizations as before and even have squeezed themselves into so called Lyme activist groups.
So, recap. They created a false case definition for Lyme disease to catagorize groups of those suffering with their case definition. They then falsified the diagnostic test so that the high percentage sufferers (~85%), those with neuroborreliosis would NOT TEST POSITIVE!
That's why we see stuff like this:
Somebody said...
My Dr. "The test for lyme disease was negative. There is no evidence of lyme."
Don't blame the doctors for this, blame the criminals who falsifed the diagnostics that led to this denial.
Somebody said...
'Patients undergoing a lyme disease test should be aware that lyme disease tests vary and may produce results that are inaccurate. This means a patient may not be able to rely on a positive or negative result. Health care providers are encouraged to discuss lyme disease test results with the patient for whom the test was ordered.'
Apart from the stupid idea to test antibody counts for a immunocompromising organism, the goal of these fraudsters was to pass off a bogus vaccine with millions already invested into it.
Because, they used these falsified diagnostics to TEST THE EFFICACY OF THE BOGUS vaccine called Lymerix. If 85% of the patients in the trials did not test positive, then that is an 85% effective vaccine. A bogus vaccine of course, one that actually killed people and caused many to suffer, espeically those who had borrelia in their blood and tissues but were asymptomatic. Obviously, the vaccine does not have live bacteria, it just has the blebs, OspA lipo-proteins that are immunosuppressant. Which makes zero sense why these criminals would use these blebs. All they do is tolarize the immune system and are very, very toxic. If they took off the toxic antigen from OspA then it might make sense but they didn't do that. So, even if they said they thought the vaccine would work, it is a dubious statement, considering how they already knew the blebs were immunosuppressant.
So, Lymerix was taken off the market via ultimatum not becuase of those scary, scary anti-vaxxers like the propagandists claim, but out of thousands who had negative outcomes from the vaccine, a vaccine which would never work anyway. (And only looked effective because of fraud) Same with the dog vaccine, it doesn't work, but it makes them some good money.
So, here we are almost 30 years later, with the criminals free and activists using their fraudulent case definition as the term that defines their disease. They're good at what they do, spreading propaganda and they have the corporate media to do that for them.
In conclusion, both the Lymerix vaccine and Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes contain OspA, the main driver of disease in both. A triacyl- fungal lipoprotein that causes immunosuppression, a B-cell AIDS illness in its victim's. The Lymerix vaccine directly injects OspA, where Borrelia spirochetes are their own phylum that shed their outer surface containing OspA. This mechanism not only applies to Lymerix and Lyme, but other abused groups in medicine who share the same disease mechanism from Autism, vaxxed, chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, mitochondrial dysfunction, gulf-war syndrome, etc.
Now for the propaganda Guardian article you linked, it says:
Somebody said...
In the late 1990s, the first preventive human vaccine, called LYMErix, was developed and 1.4m doses had been administered by the end of 2001. The data suggests it was highly effective, protecting against the disease in almost 90% of cases.
They link no data in this article, and yes, it LOOKED EFFECTIVE, because the efficacy was based on the fraudulent case definition and the falsified diagnostics. Henc, the almost 90% of cases. Keep in mind EVEN THE FDA, didn't really pass their diagnostic test. At the dearborn conference in the 90's, most of those there did not find the test adequet at all.
The article then goes on to say:
Somebody said...
LYMErix wasn’t perfect. It was relatively expensive, did not work in young children, only protected against one strain of Lyme disease and was only available in the US. But it appeared to be the first step towards eradicating the disease for good. Anti-vaccine fear saw it vanish from the market, however, and with that, all scientific research and investment in the field ceased.
No it wasn't perfect because it never worked and was based on fraud. Spirochetes like syphilis and borrelia can not have vaccines, considering vaccines cannot work against their antegenic variation. It also doesn't work for children nor adults, and doesn't work on ANY STRAIN. It APPEARED to be, yes, it did appear to be the first step to helping the epedemic not erradicating it. But it neither helped nor did it erradicate anything because it was a bogus vaccine based on fraud.
Now they bring in the anti-vaccine retoric. They don't say that so called anti-vaccine supporters caused it to be taken off the market via ultimatum, becasue that would be a lie. No, they say they saw it vanish. LOL. Why even make that comment? It is so they don't have to tell you the real reason why it was pulled from the market.
The Article then goes on to say:
Somebody said...
You have people so desperate for protection, they’ll take a canine vaccine never studied in humans ~ Prof Gregory Poland
Yes because people are really doing that. No, and don't forget that the dog vaccine is also based on fraud.
The article goes on to say:
Somebody said...
The death knell for LYMErix proved to be a theory that the vaccine could induce autoimmune reactions in humans. This was partially based on a study from 2000 that found the vaccine contributed to arthritis in hamsters, as well as entirely hypothetical concerns from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel, which approved LYMErix, that the immune system might overreact and begin to attack healthy tissue along with the Borrelia bacteria.
The vaccine may have contributed to arthritis but the immunosuppressant part of the lipo-protein was taken off, unlike Lymerix. And even then, this is one small study in hamsters, not even rats. The majority of studies show that OspA tolarizes the immune system. So, this study with the hypothetical concerns from the FDA, is not enough to convince anyone. I wonder who was on that panel. That might be a good research project.
The CDC criminals admit it's immunosuppression in their own scientific published research. Here in 1988, Ben Luft and 1996 Dave Persing are both saying you can't tell the difference between a Lymerix injured and a chronic Lyme patient and how OspA alone causes the chronic disease.
Somebody said...
"The Lymerix adverse events are very similar to the actual "protean" (multi-system) disease manifestations. The disease is really quite protean. And actually the adverse events are very similar to what the disease manifestations are." http://researchfraud.com/studies/files/fdaLymerixMeeting26May1998x3422t1.rtf
How to tell OspA Lymerix victims from tick bite victims. "Vaccinated patients with multi-system complaints characteristic of later presentations of Lyme disease may be difficult to distinguish from patients with vaccine failure." USPTO # 6,045,804,
"The similarity between the neurological sequelae observed in the OspA-vaccinated patients and those with chronic Lyme disease suggests a possible role for immune mechanisms in some of the manifestations of chronic Lyme disease that are resistant to antibiotic treatment." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15363064
"patients reporting adverse events after Lymerix vaccination, were examined for causation. Five reports of cerebral ischemia, two transient Ischemic attacks, five demyelinating events, two optic neuritis, two reports of transverse myelitis, and one non-specific demyelinating condition are evaluated in this paper. Caution is raised on not actively looking for neurologic AE, and for not considering causation when the incidence rate is too low to raise a calculable difference to natural occurence. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21673416
Here Alan Barbour in 1986 is saying how spirochetes bleb or pinch off bits releasing it's surface proteins (OspA) and turning off the immune system.
Somebody said...
"He finds that during the early stages of infection, B. burgdorferi avoids immune detection by decreasing its expression of surface proteins or cloaking its expressed surface proteins under a layer of slime. "It's using some sort of stealth-bomber-type mechanism," he says. Or, using another diversionary tactic called blebbing, the spirochete can pinch off bits of its membrane in order to release its surface proteins. Explains Barbour: "It's like a bacterial Star Wars defense program," in which released surface proteins might intercept incoming host antibodies, keeping the spirochete safe from immunological attack." http://mobile.the-scientist.com/article/17985/researchers-finding-rewarding-careers-as-software-entrepreneurs
1982, Alan Barbour. There's an over abundance in blebs / OspA compared to spirochetes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC182019/
VIEW IMAGESo, OspA, a TLR2/1 agonist creates tolerance and cross-tolerance to other pathogens and TRL's to no longer recognize or fight them off sucessfully (which can cause both anergy and autoimmunity, back and forth) such as; Epstein-barr, HHV-6, Cytomegalovirus, zoster, candida, mycoplasma, babesia, etc. Both the vaccine and tick bite are the same disease outcome from the same detonator, OspA. It's not about
a persistent spirochetal infection or biofilms, the vaccine didn't contain spirochetes. It's about
persistent immunosuppression, b-cell mutation, re-activated and opportunistic viral, parasitic, bacterial and fungal infections that are no longer detectable by the immune system causing a B-cell AIDS like illness.
Somebody said...
"Endotoxin tolerance is thought to limit the excessive cytokine storm and prevent tissue damage during sepsis but renders the host immunocompromised and susceptible to secondary infections." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23695305
Somebody said...
2006, Marques. Found that the TLR2/1 agonists, OspA via vaccine or tick bite were responsible for the generalized immunosuppression. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16783164
The lead author of the Lyme disease guidelines Gary Wormser in 2000 saying OspA induces immunosuppression and the amount of OspA injected via vaccine or tick bite depends on how sick you will get.
Somebody said...
"The magnitude of modulation was directly dependent on the quantity of OspA. OspA interferes with the response of lymphocytes to proliferative stimuli including a blocking of cell cycle phase progression." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10865170
1989, IDSA, The reviews of Infectious Diseases. On how Lyme is immunosuppression, the lymph nodes are attacked and wrecked in the first 24 hours and b-cells appear mutated and treatment fails in half the cases due to pathologic change, Pathologic changes occur prior to treatment.
Somebody said...
"Clinical studies have documented the efficacy of antibiotics, but therapy has failed in as many as 50% of cases of chronic infection." https://academic.oup.com/cid/article-abstract/11/Supplement_6/S1518/347579/A-Perspective-on-the-Treatment-of-Lyme-Borreliosis?redirectedFrom=fulltext
It doesn't matter if your OspA vaccine injured or a tick bite victim they both contain the same detonator OspA - leading to the same disease outcome - neurological immunosuppression, a B-cell like AIDS illness. Also known as "The Great Imitator" mimicking and causing every disease known to man. The reasoning behind the fraudulent testing and denial of chronic neurological Lyme was to hide the vaccine injuries, aka "Dearborn scam" the falsification of the case definition and diagnostics. The old case definition and diagnostics would reveal the fake vaccine. You cannot inject fungal antigens into humans or animals without a post-sepsis response in those without a HLA genetic predisposition. The criminals know this.
Meanwhile, the CDC & IDSA who own patents on the vaccines and test kits fight to preserve their scam and 25 years of denying chronic Lyme. ILADS won't talk about
the disease mechanism and continue treating Immunosuppression and viruses with long term antibiotic therapy while making mad profit off the sickest patients on the planet who are living in poverty. Bottom line is Lymerix injuries are chronic neurological Lyme and vice-versa. The spirochetes are obviously a concern, but it is WHAT THEY DO, and how your immune system responds that is of most concern. They shed blebs and your immune system becomes tolerized.
The article then goes on to say:
Somebody said...
These ideas were subsequently disproved, but the fear continued to spread. In 1998, the now retracted Lancet study linking the MMR vaccine to autism had been published and the modern anti-vaccine movement was gathering momentum.
The fear. Yes, the propagandists pushed this fear so they could increase vaccine sales. They are doing this right now with the bioweapons angle. It is merely a limited hangout, and I'm wondering why so many people are falling for it.
Now, the Valneva vaccine company, even if they try to use OspA again, which they are, it won't work, despite them NOT USING the fraudulent diagnostics and instead serology, cell-mediated immunity, cell culture and cytokine assays, Polymerase chain reaction techniques, single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping and human leukocyte antigen typing for immunogenetic studies, and lots more... Figure out another way on how to do it. Until then, you're not going to erradicate anything w/ OspA.
The article does talk about
scientists having trouble in udnerstanding the various ways in which borrelia interacts with the immune system, and that a vaccine is premature. That is at least part of the truth. But they then go on to promote the PTLDS lie, that if you are treated with short course antibiotics, your cured and all other symptoms are unrelated. Even though, ZERO studies prove that borrelia is erradicated.
Post Edited (birthdaysuit) : 7/26/2019 6:46:17 PM (GMT-6)