destiny said...
Hi everyone, this is my first post to this forum, I have lurked for a little bit but seeking some advice regarding my health.
I get these horrible flare-ups/'attacks' that come out of nowhere and leave me in incredible pain and bed-bound until they subside (usually takes 2-4 weeks for them to pass).
If I were to describe it I'd liken it to barbed wire being coiled and tightened around my spine. It's an extremely painful burning and dull ache throughout my whole back. When these attacks happen I also get a lot of muscle twitching, brain fog, joint pain, internal shaking, extreme fatigue (I can easily sleep 16 hours per day) and tremors (to name a few of my most prominent symptoms).
I just really need advice on what infection can be causing these flares and symptoms. I have recently been thinking it could be a bartonella infection within my central nervous system but I'm not sure.
I've tested positive for lyme borrelia (weak positive), chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae, EBV, HSV-1..
I get incredibly sick and depressed during these periods and I am unable to work or make a living at this stage which is very hard for me to cope with. I really have to get well soon, otherwise I feel like my life is slipping away from me and I have no hope.
I would really appreciate any advice and help
Hi destiny - I’m glad you’re here and I’m so sorry you have those extreme debilitating symptoms that linger for that length of time.
I also have the tightness around the rib cage along with nerve pain in thoracic area of my back.
Mine are usually flaring moderately during the day - usually late afternoon and early evening... most days.
But when I herx they ramp up and I feel it all day for the duration of the herx.
Laying down helps mine...
Yes I agree it’s the CNS that is affected.
How often do you have these attacks?
I also have internal shivers/vibrations and used to have twitching and tremors and joint pain but they have resolved with treatment.
I do believe my prominent infection is Bartonella and have had my worst herxes on Bartonella treatment
Do you have a good LLMD treating you?
Have you tried anything for the pain?
Also - do you detox ?
Warm Epsom salt baths really help me - but the relief is short lived.