Branch08 said...
Took the meds and about a hour later I started noticing things like having a weird psychotic episode. Like I was real a hole to my wife.
Yep, an increase in anxiety, irritability, and all of a sudden changes is a sure sign.
Detoxing with warm baths, glutathione, milk thistle and alpha lipoic acid, baking soda water drinks, and others can help.
Branch08 said...
I also was having a lot of mucsle twitching. Mostly in my head & calf.
That's a sure sign!
Branch08 said...
All of these symptoms started going away after about a hour except the twitching. The top of my head is actually twitching right now.
Cefdinir & biaxin must be getting passed the blood brain barrier, both of these antibiotics have done well with most patients I've heard. If you stop herxing and the antibiotics lose their efficacy, flagyl will definitely boost things. I've heard one patient long time ago reach remisison on I think it was flagyl, ceftin, and biaxin
My brain twitching went crazy when I went on Disulfiram, aka antabuse, the drug that might be the cure for lyme. It also felt like I had stones moving around in my brain. I went off the drug after fatigue became to hard to deal.... said...
Looks promising. Study is about 3 patients using disulfiram as a single agent after "failing" multiple conventional antibiotic regimens for lyme and babesia. 2 patients achieve a complete and long lasting remission, while 1 is currently taking a second round of disulfiram due to relapsing (He used a lower dose than the other 2 patients).