Welcome! Glad you found us. Be sure to check out the New to Lyme tab at the top. Lots of good information there.
Sunshine101 said...
I guess I’m confused because I feel like I was led to believe that the treatments would be good enough and that would be it. I’m learning that most likely isn’t the case with people who have the disease. I don’t know much about this disease yet. I’m learning.
I’m sorry about
your confusion. Your assessment is correct. Treatment can be long and winding for many of us. Doctors don’t tend to tell patients much. Many of us, myself including, have felt duped.
Sunshine101 said...
I walked out of there feeling like it was manipulation of some sort. It has bothered me all week. Now I’m not sure I want to continue with him at all. But I feel like I’m not educated enough on this disease, so I’m second guessing myself on whether or not to follow his direction. But on the other hand I feel like I’ve not been educated enough by him about this disease. I feel like I’m navigating this alone.
It sounds like you probably need a better LLMD both for the personality side and the medical knowledge side. I’m not knowledgeable about
different drugs, but others are and can comment regarding the actual treatments this doctor chose.
Most of us need more help and education than any doctor will provide, which is why this forum exists. Furthermore, no one doctor can know everything. We are often exposed to more issues, ideas, and research than most doctors because we are all consumed with the realities of what we are living with and how our bodies are affected.
Sunshine101 said...
I’m overwhelmed and having been reading posts on this site for about 2 weeks and felt like it was time to ask for some advice and direction.
I feel like I should be doing more to treat this but I don’t know what to do. I know I need to be my own advocate but it seems hard when you don’t even know where to start or what questions to ask or what is right and what is wrong.
Glad you spoke up☺️ It IS hard to be your own advocate, especially when you are impaired. You will learn as you read posts and articles and research papers. It takes time. Keep reading and posting. I lurked for months before my first post.
Once I learned that Lyme was at least part of the cause of my years long mystery illness, I scoured the internet for information and was devastated by what I found - confusion, political wars, medical disagreements, treatments that made people feel worse than the disease itself - basically horrors. In time, I felt hope again and chose a path to follow.