gfields said...
I have varicous veins and vascular issues as well, although I'm a man. Hands and feet get pumped full of blood all the time. Turn bright red and then blue/purple. They feel like balloons that are about to pop. Must be due to some sort of heart failure or something. Lyme carditits? I've had heart problems from lyme for at least 10 years now. Fun stuff.
Thats edema going on.
Lapis_29 said - "diosmin extract is great for vein issues
Life Extension - 'European Leg Solution' is a good product"
Astroman said: Pub Med has good info on Daflon 500 mg (non Rx) which has diosmin in it. :
"Daflon 500 mg, a well-established oral flavonoid that consists of 90% micronized diosmin and 10% flavonoids expressed as hesperidin, may be prescribed from the very beginning of the disease for the relief of pain and *edema*"