When I was at 85 pounds and bedridden my hair was falling out by the fist full. There was a great deal going on then, but my hormones levels were very low across the board. I did a 4 X saliva test. Cortisol was below ref range at all times of the day, estrogen undetectable, progesterone low, testosterone low, melatonin low, and DHEA below ref range. I used pregnenolone to improve progesterone levels, but it did not raise cortisol as my doc had hoped it would, so I had to supplement cortisol levels with hydrocortisone according to Jeffries "Safe Uses of Cortisol". Before I could tolerate the DHEA I had to bring up cortisol. My DHEA levels were below ref range my entire adult life until I started using DHEA (and Preg.) sublingual drops. These are better absorbed than oral pills. Balancing everything took many months, but levels of all within the ref range at this point. Hypothyroidism can cause hair loss, heavy metal toxicity and other toxicities can as well. Those in my chelation support group were disappointed by seeking help with an endocrinologist unless they had outright disease such as Graves, Addison's or diabetes. Most, including myself, were better served by seeking help from a Functional Medicine doc.
Most of my hair did come back after my health issues were under better control, gained 50 pounds, balanced hormones, started back on chelation for HMs and started treating Bartonella and other chronic infections. Likely this is more than you wanted to know.
physedgirl09 said...
Hey guys,
So I just had more bloodwork and my dhea and testosterone are so low!! can this be the cause of my hair loss?? I dunno what to do anymore