Kiraii said...
@Quin I don't know. But yes I think it has affected my cortisol levels... That's why we stopped. Do you think I need to stop it slowly ? I mean I don't know if my doctor know about the things you mentionned and I don't really know either... I mean I must do it slowly and take care of adrenals ? ;-; Ugh I'm so lost and afraid.
Adrenal hyperthrophy is that Hyperplasia ? Can't find much about it on the internet.
He can order an ultrasound of your adrenal glands to check them.
I couldn’t find info on acquired adrenal hypertrophy either... lots on congenital tho.
Rifampin is a safe effective medication for Bartonella.
FYI - I’ve not heard of anyone getting that issue with their adrenals - it’s not common...