This is a problem some people have when using heavy duty antibiotic protocols. What happens is the drugs are doing so much of the immune systems work, when the drugs are then removed, the disease has a chance to bounce back and symptoms can return. You never really want to go heavy antibiotics and just stop cold turkey. Its best to taper off 1 drug at a time and finish by pulsing 2weeks on and 2 weeks on/ 1 week on / 1week off, or even every 2nd or 3rd day.
The goal should be sustainable health. You ultimately want your own body to do its natural immunity work. It sounds like he drugs did their job, and thats good, but now what?
One of the problems with antibiotics is the way these drugs work is they only attack the bacteria from one angle, one pathway. Herbs attack the diseases from multiple angles using multiple pathways.
I can personally attest to the power of these herbs. They are very effective and they could provide some relief of your symptoms as you "taper off" antibiotics. You mentioned you have Houtunnia and sida.
You have to consider, your body is a warzone. You took 4 very high strength antibiotics for a full year. I'm not saying that was a bad decision because I know how devastating these infections can be. But I think you have to be strategic with antibiotic use. Its so crucially important to take the highest strength probiotic you can legally get and to do maintenence while on antibiotics so candida, loss of natural gut flora, and colitis dont become an issue.
But you just used heavy artillery to take out the enemy. That was the strategy. Now your body is left smoldering. The transition after bringing in the heavy duty artillery is very important. You dont want the troops to depart and the bad guys just invade again. You have to transition to native rule and native defense. And you have to do it gradually and slowly.
If your body is going through such drastic chemical changes so quickly, you are really putting yourself at a disadvantage in terms of how your homeostasis can adapt to its new reality without antibiotics after a whole year. I think a combination of herbs and antibiotics are the best way to treat these diseases. This way you can slowly taper off antibiotics and still continue to herbs as you taper off antibiotics. This is what I did.
The herbs also help address inflammation and help directly treat many symptoms that you describe like tremors and nerve inflammation.
2 Herbs already recommended above would be helpful. Japanese knotweed and Chinese skullcap. I would combine those with the Houtunia you have and the the Sida. I would also try Gu-Tang. But there are MANY others that directly address the symptoms you describe, including insomnia, very effectively.
I think your insomnia is your body trying to tell you " hey, I cant do this on my own without the help of those powerful friends we took for a year" So your body still needs backup and patrol before it can stand up and defend itself again on its own.
Instead of toughing it out, I think you need to address the real problem directly by retooling your treatment and starting the transition over again.
Take antibiotics a couple days, and if you sleep better and if symptoms go away, consider starting what is called a "pulse dosing". 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Pay close attention to how you feel with and without the drugs. You take them less and less, until you take them maybe once a month, then not at all. You have to have a strict regimen. With the help of herbs, your body can accomplish this by slowly transitioning and building its own immunity up again.
At the same time I would buy Stephen Buhner's books, read them entirely and follow his instructions doing everything exactly as he says. He has 3 books that specifically address tick related diseases. Taking his herbs is one thing, but I have found it tremendously useful to read his books as well.
"Healing Lyme" is his most well known book, but he also has a book about
treating Babesia, and another book about
bartonella and mycoplasma. Many of the herbal treatments he recommends for these different diseases overlap.
He describes the anatomy and behavior of all these diseases and their treatments, in one single source better than any writer or single book ever has.
Once you understand how these diseases actually behave and what they are actually trying to do in your body, you can then stop them.
You can combine antibiotics and herbs quite effectively and I, and many others have done it safely. Some herbs compliment some antibiotics very well and produce a synergistic effect that works better than either on their own.
Your body can process the herbs better than synthetic drugs. Your body doesnt recognize synthetic drugs, but it recognizes herbs from your human evolution.
Unfortunately, this is as far as modern western medical science can take you in terms of treating these infections. (All they know is single metabolic pathways that result in bacterial death. Thats all they are focusing on. But theres a lot that has to occur to send a chemical in to the human body and have the effect disabling the RNA of a specific bad bacteria. A lot has to happen. A lot of collateral damage occurs, and it happens in your body.) So now its up to you clean up the mess the troops left behind.
They can kill, kill, but theres a lot of other things that need to happen that are just as important in the quest to get well. Even the best LLMD's fail to mention this sometimes. That part is really left up to us, (unless you have a really good local honest naturopath nearby.)
So I think you are realizing you cant treat forever and you know you need to eventually transition to no antibiotics. Thats a good thing. Thats the eventual goal, but you have to do it gradually and slowly and it helps enormously to be able to rely on herbs at this time. The herbs can also directly treat candida as well.
And Im not accusing you of this, but dont completely outsource your treatment to "specialists," and then blame them if treatment fails. Your health is ultimately your responsibility. You should have a very thorough understanding of your doctors treatment strategy and it should make logical sense to you. If they cant explain your treatment strategy clearly in a way you understand, find another doctor who will.
These are just a few practical steps you can take to learn more and hopefully gain some symptom improvement.
-On a side note, not sure what the cannabis laws are in Belgium, but Cannabis and CBD can be extremely effective for tremors, insomnia, and inflammation, perhaps you could try that as well if you havent yet.
Post Edited (logmoss82) : 1/3/2020 12:00:12 AM (GMT-7)