Very interesting: Death is talking:No, I didn't. Whatever I did ticks were involved. However, there were three years or
four years I was working on other problems.
And what were these other problems?
They concerned the development of techniques that would allow for the rapid diagnosis
and identification of pathogens in ticks.
What was the purpose of that research?
The purpose of that research had a defense character, in that it called for development of
techniques allowing rapid identification of pathogens that might be used against the
United States.
And by defense do you mean military defense?
And what years did you do the defense-related work?
1954 to 1957.
And was that all done at the Rocky Mountain Lab?
It was all done at the Rocky Mountain Lab in my laboratory, although I was under the
supervision and guidance of Dr. C. B. Philip. He was in charge of that project.
Did you publish any of the defense-related work that you did?
And why was that?
It was classified.
Did you record the results of the other research that you did during the 1950's, or keep
logs of any sort?
And do those research logs and records still exist?
The majority still exist; some were tossed out and are no longer in existence, except the final results as summarized in quarterly and annual reports, as well as those published in the scientific literature.Do you know when the logs were thrown out?
No, I don't have any idea.
Was that your decision or an administrative decision?
I think that was an administrative decision, because the logs were kept for a long, long
period of time, for years and years, and suddenly they were no longer considered