Patient166 said...
When you say +9 months of treatment... do you mean sticking with one working protocol for 9 months? I've been doing treatment for about a year, maybe a bit shorter for bart because I was more geared towards the Lyme at the beginning. But I switch around bart protocols if I'm feeling no change.
When it comes to the recovering of the immune system. 24 years does sound crazy. And the docs in Germany (in Europe in general) are very anti-antibiotic and pro-herbs and less harmful treatments which can be a good thing but it makes their opinions very biased. However, they do say that their patients coming in from the US are in much worse shape than everywhere else because of the treatment plans followed in the US. I take this info with a grain of salt as I think everyone has to follow a different, more personalized plan to get better.
+9 months = treating lyme, bartonella, any other confections..
I would take what the Germany docs with a grain of salt, too. i know many...many people (from all age groups) who have done well with long-term abx treatment...and still are doing well years later.
I'm not saying there's no risks...certainly there are risks with long term antibiotics...and they are hard on the stomach/gut...etc.
BUT, letting these infections also damaging the body was being damaged long before I started taking abx. I may be facing a candida infection now...but I will take that ... over letting the infections continue on and ravish my body.