I was diagnosed with EBV summer of 2018. Retested 4/2020. Numbers haven't changed. Did see an infectious disease doctor who ran the western block. Antibodies present and abnormal for IgM39 and IgG41. He told me to grin and bear it. I literally left his office in tears. I have been seeing an Integrative and Functional doctor since 10/2020. She spent over 2 hrs with me on my first visit. Upon collecting all my symptoms, she did agree that I showed signs of Lyme disease. She also started treating me for adrenal fatigue. Meeting with her 5/2020 and she believes the EBV is likely a co-infection of Lyme. Currently going into my second year of all this madness. Looking for an LLMD IN the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. Please send suggestions. Thanks so much for this site. It has been enlightening and informative.
Post Edited By Moderator (Girlie) : 6/20/2020 8:16:27 PM (GMT-6)