dcd2103 said...
I've had my GI-Maps done. Not much showed up except for prevotella being super high, and b-Glucuronidase being high, which is a marker for dysbiosis.
I hadnt looked through this in a while, the prevotella number is 15x higher than normal. My fucntional med dr and my GP ignored it when i mentioned it. Maybe thats my issue. IN adiddion, my b-glucuronidase is super high, which is a stomach inflammatory marker
yep - similar here - some dysbiosis markers like glucuronidase, v high gut inflammation markers - but nothing in the microbiome results that really accounted for the number or severity of symptoms i was getting.
did 12 weeks of dysbiosis herbs supplements and meds in a super thorough protocol - any way to try and rule out some kind of gut dysbiosis as the root cause of my illness - felt v ill throughout - then waited a few weeks and then retested - GI markers just about
all normalized or came down from 10x to 1.5x - except inflammation markers which were still there and most systemic symptoms remained.
did feel better for a couple of weeks after - but later found that was due to the elimination diet we followed for the first 2 weeks after completing the protocol, before re-introducing foods. later got the same benefits from the Keto diet alone without the 12weeks of antimicrobials
in my view, this gut dysfunction is driven by the infection process ( in my case Lyme and Bart) messing with the innate and adaptive immune responses and causing your body to be unable to any longer manage its own microbiome the way it needs to for homeostasis - resulting in inflammation, motility issues, leaky gut, dysbiosis, SIBo etc.
I don't know of a way to resolve it while the infection is present - but can and must be managed in order to aid recovery. the key to managing it for me has been the whole food ketogenic diet
that's the single biggest thing that has made life livable again - to a point where I can at least function for most of the day.
i would suggest trying that if nothing else has so far worked and you cannot take herbs for SIBO