WalkingbyFaith said...
This kind of research/drug, if effective, could potentially reverse many or all chronic syndromes. It could save lives from being wrecked. The drug reversed effects in only a few doses.
The methods we have now take YEARS of trial and error, pain and suffering, and 10’s to 100’s of thousands of dollars. Not to mention that only the most dedicated and focused people seem to be successful at biohacking. It’s not for the faint of heart or the non-sciency kind of folks. People like Terry Wahls can do it, but I’m no Terry Wahls.
Yes its so sad that the suffering and money loss is so wide spread in chronic illness.
Respect to Dr Wahls, but remember she took ABX too. Im guessing in reality, shes not 100% better , but obviously healed enough to get out there and live.....and act like it.
Its easy to look and act 100% healed if your close, I could do that for the sake of "positive thinking" but I'd rather be honest and admit here that at best Im 90% and still do some daily muscle/tendon maintenance besides stretching. And I need to eat well - Im almost afraid not to, as there would be consequences.
For mental and physical health, I know and try adhere to my employment and stress limitations. I refuse to work long hours, be a manager again, or do heavy physical labor unless its on my own time and terms. This is coming from a guy who was an adrenaline junkie and pro-ranked extreme sport competitor into my thirties..lol..............my how ones life can change. I'll settle for "mellow and able" though.