Posted 1/1/2021 5:09 AM (GMT 0)
ever since I gone to the doctors on multiple occasions advocating that I may have Lyme disease I was continually exposed to abuse from the nurses and doctors , I’d get criticized, belittled , patronized, they tried submitting me to a psych ward and everything. I am experiencing severe heart issues and I got an Echo done, they’re having me to come in , fear I may have Herat block, heart congestive failure or some other heart disease but.. I just can not pull myself together to want to go to the doctors. I am fretful of having to experience that abuse again from their malpractice and negligence . I fear of hearing they haven’t found anything.. I fear of them dismissing my claims when I speak on Lyme, all of it continuously hurts me. I try reassuring myself I can cure all my heart troubles with herbal medicine... but so far I’ve been having everlasting heart problems that haven’t been getting better and I’m on Buhner Lyme and Bartonella + Babesia Protocl, I suspect I have more co infections since I experience new symptoms all the time that’s why. I’d like someone to come with me to the doctors , a supporter but I have no one. I have no support system, no companionships or family members who’d be willing to or even care about what I’m going through. I’m dreading it all. I fear I might die. From heart block or something because my heart issues are worsening and have no clue on what to do. Hawthorn, motherwort Etc. They don’t help. I have heart palpations that go all through my body, I get muscle tension pain in my chest, I can’t even walk for like 5 minutes without having to stop because my chest and heart beet raises too high. I’m sure I have high blood pressure as well. I get pins and needle pain in my chest. My chest pain sometimes go to my back. The doctors are dismissive and tell me “ it’s anxiety “ when I go to the doctors repeatedly for blood pressure and it always shows high. I also get blood clotting a lot as well which the doctors say is normal. I feel horrible and feel like crying.