running wild said...
dcd - First, I don't know if you saw my late reply to your post about EBV. Wondered about your results as the interpretation of the results, according to charts, is kind of different.
As far as Sjogren's goes, I don't know if I have ever had the early antigen test for it. The SS-A and SS-B were <1, so I figured I was good on that. But I will ask about the early antigen. As far as the C3 and 4 goes, at one point both were low, but the last couple of times the C3 was low normal.
There just seems to be more than Lyme going on. But then the loss of elasticity and collagen started many years ago and I had several positive Lyme tests, and the last three Dr. Jernigan did were all positive by PCR for Lyme.
Wondering if Lyme can cause these autoimmune type symptoms. Lupus tests have also come out negative several times, including the AVISE test, which is supposed to be more accurate and sensitive.
If you haven't seen my response to the EBV questions, maybe take a look and se what you think.
Hey RW, I had missed your post about
EBV, thank you for calling attention to it!
I'm confused as you seemed to be implying that if you had a postive in all 3 antibodies (VCA-IgM, VCA- IgG, EBNA-IgG) that this would imply a past infection. I think that that is wrong. If your IgM is positive that implies a current infection. I think the reason that theyre saying that is because the EBNA is only seen after the acute phase, so several months after infection. This assumes that the infection will be gone by then, and doesnt allow for chronic infections. I think that an IgM antibody often implies replication. I'm not sure how accurate the dna tests are, wouldnt be surprised to see false negatives.
Have you considered doing an anti-viral protocol? As mentioned my friend had good results using the Spero Clinics protocol (NAC, monolauren, lysine, selenium, zinc, immunoplex).
I'm not sure what to think about
high IgG titers like mine. You read varying things. I dont have the symptoms of EBV reactivation, but who knows if its in the background triggering my immune system