Anyone else look into this?
I'm reading this book by Dr Datis Kharrazian, Why isnt my Brain Working, which is fantastic. But he has a chapter on gluten. Basically says even if you test negative for Celiacs, you can still have a gluten senstivity. This much I knew. But I didnt realize that it can manifest in so many different ways and is an autoimmune disease that can be as severe as Celiacs. I just figured it was another sensitivity, a few hives or whatever. It isn't picked up on endoscopy like Celiacs, and can manifest in the joints, brain, skin...and doesnt always have gut symptoms. Can manifest as neuro-immunity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue., tested negative for Celiacs antibodies and my endoscopy for Celiacs was clean. But I mentioned how last time I went gluten free/ketogenic for 6m, when I came out the first time I had a piece of bread I felt awful, like I was gonna feint. And then stomach had like a knot in it. This happened multiple times and stopped eating it. I never noticed this before when eating gluten, almost like after 6m not on it my body wanted to alert
me to stay way.
So now I'm back in ketosis and feeling much better. White blood cell count rising again. Is it possible this is a big piece of the puzzle?
Cyrex Array #3 apparently runs all the antibodies for non-celiacs gluten: interesting case studies: Edited (dcd2103) : 7/19/2021 4:46:17 PM (GMT-6)