saraeli said...
I don't know if I have especially thin blood in general, but my blood behaved strangely when I was taking the core Buhner protocol (Japanese knotweed, andrographis, cat's claw) even at low doses. My thighs (which were not bumping into things) were covered in bruises that lasted for weeks or months and all had hard lumps (clots) underneath them. When I menstruated, I would lose eight ounces of menstrual fluid per day, which is about twice my normal flow. (Average people lose about 3 ounces over the course of a whole period.) That said, cuts didn't bleed more than usual (gums while flossing, blood work, random scrapes, etc.), and my regular blood work never found anemia or other abnormalities even right after a period, so I'm not entirely sure what was going on. My blood pressure is low normally (90/60) but did not get lower during my time using the core Buhner protocol.
my partner had this - spontaneous bleeding under the skin with bruising - despite no physical trauma at the site - is a common symptom of lyme - and possibly other infections that cause damage to the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels. ( btw, she also had low blood pressure and low pulse all her life .....)
makes me wonder if its the infection more than the herbs - of course we take the herbs for the infection but it could be that the symptom could have occurred even if we didn't take them