Girlie, I think you're right, but doesn't it heighten the risk that bart developes abx resistance? Do you pulse them? I'll look into switching to rifabutin, thank you π
Edit: Yes, I've been taking them twice daily
potsnpans, I considered that too as well as sibo, but I don't know. I don't have cramping, but it stings like there are some inflamed spots. I do take s.boulardii, but it doesn't make any difference. Also bart itself is associated with inflammatory bowel conditions and one of my first symptoms after I got infected was some intestinal inflammation that eventually went away, so maybe it's the abx and an old symptom coming back from treatment. Maybe my MCAS plays a role too. It's crazy making π
dcd2103, I'm on omnibiotic aad 10 twice a day, that's a powder you have to dissolve in water, the lady at the pharmacy suggested it to me as the best they have. Along with a healing moor mud drink which usually works like a charm, amrutadi - that's some ayurvedic herbal tablets that worked well with protecting my intestines when I took the doxy only, colostrum and s.boulardii. I feel like I forgot another thing that I take. I'll look into the visbiome 450, thank you for the suggestion