My LLMD just added Serrapeptase to my protocol. He just told me to take one at breakfast. I noted on the bottle when it arrived that it is to be taken on an empty stomach a 1/2 hour before or 2 hours after food. However, when taking a look at Serrapeptase on line, I read several times not to take blood thinners with it and Garlic, Fish Oil and Tumeric were sited as examples. On this new protocol, he also added Garlic 600 mg 2x/day and I all ready take fish oil and Tumeric. I searched HW but did not see any posts that referenced anything other than taking away from food. I can reach out to his office but the turn around time with them getting back to me is not always as quickly as I like
So being that it is a Friday, I thought perhaps a forum member may be able to give me their thoughts. Thanks in advance!!