Sure thing, dcd2103.
When you tried curcumin, was it the Theracurmin HP that Garzie noted? Or, if not, did you try one with the black pepper extract piperine?
This is frustrating, as Kresser likes curcumin and Saladino goes in the opposite direction. Have you or Garzie heard some of his claims?
Check out and search the show notes for the following headings and what's listed under each.
- Why Paul doesn't consume black pepper…21:15- Whether plants like exercise, where you need them, but too much can be harmful…26:05- Additional resources/research from Dr. Paul SaladinoI've listened to his book, watched many of his videos, and heard him on numerous podcasts -- his own and others. There's no doubt Paul's a smart guy (first a PA in cardiology and then obtaining an MD in psychiatry), but I think he's too reductionist in some of his thinking.
I give him credit for being willing to change his diet, as he previously was eating three pounds of meat per day and avoiding plants. Now, he's including honey and fruit in his diet. Of course, he calls this "carnivore," since his website is "Carnivore MD" and he has a book titled "The Carnivore Code." His brand is "carnivore." I feel like he's somewhat painted himself in a corner and he doesn't know how to get out. Plus, he has a "carnivore" cookbook coming out, too. And, his line of animal-based supplements. Lots of money at stake.
He recently showed up at a Whole Foods Market in Austin driving a Tesla (shirtless, of course, as that's how true cavemen drive) and put on a custom-made t-shirt with "Kale Is Bullsh!t" emblazoned on the front and proceeded to wear it around Whole Foods while being filmed shopping. He's kind of an ass. But, the real question is whether or not he's correct in his claims about
curcumin, black pepper, sulforaphane, etc. He's been trying to persuade Rhonda Patrick to debate him on sulforaphane, but she won't respond to him.