Girlie said...
“ and for instance does not stop all LLMDs who use Rifampicin's from prescribing other drugs alongside in combinations ( they are almost never used as single drug regimenes as teh research clearly points to poor outcomes for that approach).“
Generally speaking - you don’t often see Mepron with Rifabutin taken together tho.
true enough - but i think that may be mainly because llmds are more often treating babesia and lyme
with say mepron and a macrolide - or bartonella and lyme - with rifampicin and a macrolide or tetracycline
rarely treating Babesia and bart together in the absence of lyme
or put another way - the same drug interaction as mentioned also applies to macrolides with mepron / malarone - but that is how they are recommended to be used for babesia.