Several years ago, I had the following Heidelberg Gastrogram Study to the results, my stomach acid was allegedly low. My doctor's advice was for me to take "Betaine HCl with Pepsin" capsules with each meal containing 20+ grams of protein.
Dosing was to start with one capsule per meal and titrate up every few days, until a burning sensation was achieved. At that point, I would reduce the dose by one capsule per meal until the burning sensation resolved. I was then to remain at that dose until the burning sensation returned, reduce the dose by another capsule, and keep repeating until no capsules were needed. In theory, I would then be producing sufficient stomach acid.
I managed to get to five capsules per meal with no burning sensation and I was concerned about
continuing to take more, based on the instructions on the supplement bottle and what I had read online (the latter always being suspect). So, I notified my doctor and asked for guidance. His advice: Ah, it's okay, you can stop taking them.
That's it? Just stop taking them? No further questions or investigation, after dropping a few hundred dollars on the test?!?
Of course, that made me wonder how much he really valued the pH test, given how quickly and easily he abandoned the treatment plan based on it. He referred me to another clinic for the pH test, so maybe he received a referral fee from them. This was just another in a series of interactions where I felt fleeced.
Years later, I then ran across the following article:
The HCL Challenge: Why The Conventional Test Is DEAD Wrong"...if a small dose of HCL produces burning, it is not because you have adequate HCL at all. If HCL supplements produce burning it indicates rather that your mucosal barrier is damaged! The HCL is producing burning because the acid is burning exposed tissues.Under normal, healthy circumstances, a person should be able to tolerate a lot of Betaine HCL. HCL only contains about 2-3% hydrogen. The clinical response that occurs with Betaine HCL supplementation is more due to the Betaine than from HCL! If you are experiencing burning with only 500-3,500 mg of HCL, your gastro intestinal mucosal barrier is in a state of distress. Many researchers believe that a person with a healthy mucosal barrier should be able to tolerate upto 26 capsules of Betaine HCL!"Perhaps this is why I wasn't bothered by so many HCl/Pepsin capsules.
He goes on to write that
"The Heidelberg pH test is probably the most accurate way to gauge HCL insufficiency," but he also claims that blood tests and hair mineral analysis may also be acceptable substitutes.
If you're interested in the pH Capsule test, you can learn more about
it here:
Heidelberg Medical - Gastric pH Diagnostic System and pH Capsulehttps://www.phcapsule.comUsing their lookup tool, the following clinic is located in Dunwoody:
Progressive Medical Center - Dunwoody, GA I can't recall for sure, I think I paid somewhere around $350 or more for the test. But, that was several years ago and may vary by clinic.
Finally, because I cannot seem to stop offering ideas, the following person may have some other useful information. I've cobbled-together a few disparate resources about
some of his approach to digestive issues:
How To Stop Acid Reflux - Without Drugs To Fix LPR (Silent Reflux) - LPR Diet that Stops Reflux Tract Diet Tract Diet Food List: What to Eat and Avoid for Better Digestion Tract Diet with Dr Norm Robillard | Ep 18 luck, running wild.
The Loquacious Dude