birthdaysuit said...
I have tested positive on IGENEX for B. Burgdorferi, Bartonella, Babesia Microti and Ducani.
It took me 5 years to go i to remission and now it's all coming back.
The ticks were tested and they carried several strains of Borrelia but not Burgdorferi (I don't think the tickborne blood test covers them) Powassan Virus, Heartland Virus, Babesia O., Bartonella Sp., Tularemia, and a bunch more... what to do.
My fever is not coming down and my neck is stiff and me head hurts so bad when I move. The doctors said to monitor it. I wish I knew what I had.
I suggest you get several weeks of abx to nip it now!
You don’t want it to go chronic !!