Posted 10/21/2023 3:23 PM (GMT 0)
I was just wondering this morning as I was making a half cup of low acid, caffeinated, coffee, watching the squirrels through the kitchen window run around working diligently to bury nuts in preparation for future meals.
-I don’t think squirrels get brain fog in the morning lol.
Even as a child, I don’t ever remember waking up feeling well rested and mentally clear. I’m guessing a lot of people are like this which is why the coffee industry is so huge. But then there are some who are not like that at all.
I always was, and still am an afternoon or evening person.
In my case, mental clarity changes with the seasons. In the spring time I wake up anxious and as fall /winter progresses, I wake up with brain fog. It’s rare that I am in middle ground. I find this an interesting observation, and I have Googled that, I am not alone.
In the fall and winter, I drink 1/2 to one cup of coffee in the morning, in the spring time I drink variations of calming tea in the morning, along with adrenal adaptogens like holy basil .
I know people who drink no coffee, and those who drink 5 cups of coffee all day long, which would make me go crazy. And then there are smokers who have a cigarette first thing in the morning to call them selves. But then a some people are smokers and coffee drinkers at the same time which seems to cancel each other out and makes no sense to me.
Since I was born with a immune system problem, ill often on as a child, then tick illness sometime, maybe in my youth, and then thyroid disease later on, … why I asked this question.
I’m not sure what it’s like to be “normal” in my 5 1/2 decades of living. Seems like I’ve been getting closer to normal though,
(This is probably not a good place to ask this either, but some of you probably remember what your level of mental clarity was like before you had chronic illness. )