Hi Saraeli,
I don't have RA but I have all my joints swollen internally, though it doesn't show externally. Ankles, knees, wrists, fingers... I went to an immunologist who thought I had RA, but tested negative in blood works. When I was taking abx all the inflammation went away, it was wonderful. I've had to stop taking them because I had a terrible neuropathy which caused a lot of pain, unbearable. After stopping, inflammation came back even stronger.
Docs don't know what they are diagnosing, they just want to put a name on it and start treating based on their knowledge.
If you are treating and are getting worse my bet is that what you have is something autoimmune. By treating you are probably stirring your autoimmune condition. In my case, I improved with treatment until everything started going thanks to my neuropathy. I bet you'll have to deal with the autoimmune problem before continuing treatment.
https://lymemd.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-difficult-patient.htmlCheck this post by Dr. Jaller. It's related to autoimmune encephalitis, but it applies to every autoimmune condition. Might help you.