RainyCloud said...
Hi destiny, I remember you. So glad to hear many of your original symptoms are better. Did your hair loss ever get better? I hope it did.
It sounds to me like a candida/fungal issue. An LLMD once said that most relapses are actually a candida/fungal infection which people mistake for the original infection coming back.
In the meantime, try not to worry too much because that will just make things worse.
Hi RainyCloud, really nice to hear from you.
My hair loss basically resolved itself, somehow. I'm not quite sure how.
It was really really bad initially - I'd run my hand through my hair and end up with 5-10 strands on my hand each time. It was very puzzling and distressing. I thought I would go from a full thick set of hair to bald in a few months.
It's still pretty thick, although the density has decreased a little bit and I have receded slightly. But it's nothing abnormal and my hair looks good for my age (31 year old man).