My LLMD strongly believes Babesia and Bartonella are pushing Sjogrens Syndrome, making it worse and worse. In conjunction, that affects dsyautonomia.
The gambit of medications and herbs he as proposed are going to be a big challenge if I start it. But seems I have read malarone can be very hard to take with herxes, and mixing it with azithromax even tougher. He wants that three days a week . At this point, I am at low point with all my symptoms - lowest in 22 years and losing hope At a point something desperate needs to be done, and that is what he was getting at.
He has nystatin every day, biocidin to clear infections, methylene blue, LDN and more.
I trust him but don't know if I can even begin to handle it.
Post Edited (running wild) : 5/15/2024 5:37:21 AM (GMT-8)