hi guys
sorry havent been on recently, ive been in queen square hospital london for a week following investigations, feel really ill at moment. i will get back to you regards name of clinic in new jersey.
the doctors at queen square were amazing went beyound there call of duty but the nursing staff were dam god rude and ignorant so dissapointed especailly as im a midwife myself. i was so ill on tuesday i really thought i was having a brain haemorrage it was the lady in the same bay as me who put me into bed and came to see i was ok the nursing staff totally blanked me, i was continously being sick and at one stage got out of bed to ask them to fetch a dr, when i said i was going to faint they just walked off, its staff like that who give the rest of us a good name, me family have told me to complain, but the sad thing is ive got to go back so of course they would make my stay worse.
anyway had mri, sleep study and Lumbar puncture, all week they had been saying these tyests were routine and they didnt expect to find a problem, then i shocked them my l puncture showed increased pressure to my brain noraml levels are 8 mine were 27. so they are baffled as im not displaying to them the symptoms they see with high levels, so im on some new tablets till april then i think hes suggested having anothe l puncture but ive got to have a probe inserted into my skull to measure more acuratley the brain pressure sounds awful but hopefully they will now be able to help me. they awful thing has been nobody has taken my headaches seriously before.